New Years resolutions wishlist

New Years wishlist resolutions yogagoods nike cortez alexa chung parisian journal

Ciao dearies,

Following my blogpost about what I have learned the past year and what I want to focus on this year (concerning my personal and professional growth) I decided to make a wishlist. Here are some of the items necessary or handy when it comes to some of my New Years plans – call them resolutions if you want to but I won’t do that, don’t want to jinx something that is already good 😉 …

These items are mostly yoga, personal / spiritual growth and personal style inspired.

Let me tell you a bit about my New Years wishlist!


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Happy new year! Looking back and looking ahead

Travel Paris pure love Invalides Louvre5

Ciao dearies,

Happy New Year to all of you!

Today I want to look back at 2015 and do some looking ahead to this year, 2016, with not 365 but 366 days with still 362 to go! Let’s make every day, every moment, count! Starting with writing down what I learned last year.

Read on to find out what I learned in 2015 and what my goals for 2016 are!


Follow me on:  Follow dutch fashion blogger Saranda Adriana bloglovinFollow dutch fashion blogger Saranda Adriana facebook SarandipityFollow dutch fashion blogger Saranda Adriana InstagramFollow dutch fashion blogger Saranda Adriana twitterFollow dutch fashion blogger Saranda Adriana lookbookFollow dutch fashion blogger Saranda Adriana pinterest

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