Back to college at 27… My experience

SarandaAdriana going back to college Tilburg University

Ciao dearies,

Long time no see ๐Ÿ™‚ Over the last ‘half year’ or better yet, semester I have been incredibly busy. As some of you might know I have always wanted to continue studying, and that is exactly what I did the last couple of months, I went back to college!

It was not the easiest decision to make but after some job interviews, I noticed that my mind was more directed towards going back to college and my heart was not fully into the jobs. Which was not because of the jobs themselves, as I definitely found some great opportunities. However, the right one for me was going back to college and going after that master’s degree!

Honestly, this decision might have been the best of my life… ๐Ÿ™‚
Today I am telling you a bit more about my experience as a 27-year-old going back to college after 4 years of working.ย  Continue reading