Saturday night drinks: INK Hotel cocktail challenge


Hello loves,

With the cold wind outside it’s the perfect moment to tell you about a cocktail challenge I had a while ago! In collaboration with INK hotel Amsterdam and their bar Pressroom Amsterdam (which is located in a very old former printing office) I took on the big challenge to create the perfect fall / winter cocktail. The task? Using a secret wintery ingredient. Well I’ll just be honest, my mind instantly screamed: APPLE PIE! And so here it is, my cocktail, the DiSaranda Originale, a Disaronno Apple Pie cocktail.

First step when you are creating your own cocktail? Figuring out which liquors go well together and how you want your cocktail to look and taste. So I went on a little inspiration trip through google, my cocktail books and my liquor collection.

Before I’ll start I am going to be completely honest with you. I don’t drink a lot and I don’t drink often but I always love a good cocktail, or 2, or 3. Having a drink is no problem and it can be the best thing sometimes to just kick back and enjoy a good glass of wine or a cocktail. However, always drink responsible and if you ever feel like you might have a drinking problem, talk to someone and get help.


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Travel Thursday – romantic getaway Ghent

travel thursday ghent belgium fashion blogger ibis accor hotels report

Ciao dearies,

Last weekend I was invited to stay a night in the lovely Ibis Centrum Opera hotel in Ghent. As I am quiet stressed out lately thanks to the job hunt this was a very welcome romantic getaway with my boyfriend. We planned our little weekend trip around Friday the 13th and Valentines day and well, a lucky and lovely weekend it was!

We started our trip to Ghent around 10 AM from our hometown Eindhoven to Ghent, via Antwerp. The first part of our journey was by bus and from Antwerp Central Station we continued by train. In Antwerp we already spotted some gorgeous architecture! I had never been in Antwerp before, still only saw the Central Station last weekend, but at least I have seen this gorgeous train station. The walls, floors, windows, everything looked like it was from a fairytale… And this was only one building of the many I came across during the whole weekend!!

Read on for the full weekend report and some more about my stay at the Ibis hotel in Ghent!


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