Denim on Denim – Outfit post

Denim on Denim ourtfit OOTD dutch fashion blogger sarandaadriana nederlandse modeblogger sarandipity1

Ciao dearies,

Today in Holland it’s Liberation day, a day in which we celebrate how we won back our freedom as a country after the second world war. Probably non of my readers have lived through this war but you might have been in contact with other wars or struggles your country has been in. Today I am extra grateful for the freedom given to us by our great-grandparents and everything who fought for freedom during this horrible war. I hope that, who you are, wherever you are, that you are free and that you may enjoy your freedom. That you have freedom of speech, freedom of your thoughts, religion and lifestyle. If you are not, I pray for you to receive the freedom you deserve <3

Now about my look. It’s not rebellious, it has not much to do with freedom except for the freedom to express myself…

A denim on denim outfit this time. A denim jacket with a meaning, my own made up term Sarandipity (Serendipity + Saranda) a koi carp and a lotus flower. The meaning of these symbols together: “Lotus flowers are commonly depicted in tattoos. These flowers grow in a muddy pond but develop into a beautiful flower which is much loved. The lotus is often paired with a koi which can take on a variety of meanings. This tattoo may represent purity, struggle or a change in life. The lotus with the koi may also represent struggle, determination or inevitable success.” Quote

In this outfit I am wearing my personalized denim jacket by Pepe Jeans, a white blouse from H&M with underneath it a blue t-shirt bra from Victoria’s Secret, denim jeans from WE Fashion, bag from VANS and chelsea boots from ASOS.

What do you think of this denim on denim outfit?! Let me know in a comment 🙂


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Denim on Denim ourtfit OOTD dutch fashion blogger sarandaadriana nederlandse modeblogger sarandipity5 Denim on Denim ourtfit OOTD dutch fashion blogger sarandaadriana nederlandse modeblogger sarandipity6 Denim on Denim ourtfit OOTD dutch fashion blogger sarandaadriana nederlandse modeblogger sarandipity2 Denim on Denim ourtfit OOTD dutch fashion blogger sarandaadriana nederlandse modeblogger sarandipity4 Denim on Denim ourtfit OOTD dutch fashion blogger sarandaadriana nederlandse modeblogger sarandipity7 Denim on Denim ourtfit OOTD dutch fashion blogger sarandaadriana nederlandse modeblogger sarandipity3


  1. Chloe Sterk May 6, 2015

    Super leuk spijker jasje meis X

  2. Jessica May 13, 2015

    Like your pictures and posts! Saw your profile at and checked out your blog!

  3. Leuke outfit! Ik hou van denim on denim looks! 🙂


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