Personal: Occupied thoughts about my dream job

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Ciao dearies,

I always hear a lot of people talking about their dream jobs, the things they want to achieve and other dreams. People with a clear aspiration, a goal in life. But for me at the moment I don’t know exactly what I want, and it’s a pain in the ass.

To be honest, I am kind of jealous sometimes of people who know precisely what they want. People who know how to get it and sometimes already have their dream job or are well on their way for their dream job. People my age, 24. I am a quiet ambitious girl and I have always thought of myself to be working in a corporate environment, in an office, right now, at this age. But then I had an internship at a corporate company and I started doubting, is this what I wanted?

I was studying psychology and my internship wasn’t a whole lot of fun. And then my love for fashion also came peeking around the corner. Ever since then I have been wondering, what to do with my career?


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A while ago I was looking for a job. I applied for tons of different jobs, in fashion, in PR, but also within recruitment. I ran into the same roadblock a lot of times, lack of experience. Or so they say. Personally I think I have a lot of experience. I have done a lot of different things and I have never stood still career or education wise. I am a busy bee and so I like learning and gaining experience. I have done unpaid internships, I have had underpaid jobs. Besides, I did do some extracurricular activities during my Applied Psychology studies and last year I did the fashion journalism course plus a course in Italian language!

As said, I am a busy bee, and I like being busy.

But how come, I still run into the road block of no experience? Well I found out by now and I guess my experience is just not specific enough. My passions are pretty broad and I like doing a lot of different things. I like variation in my life. I like being busy with psychology one moment, than afterwards do some reading, get some inspiration, style outfits and shoot them, blog about it later. I think as a blogger you MUST like variation. To have a good running blog you definitely should be a jack of all trades. Or you should hire a lot of different people to do the things you are not good at.

Besides loving variation I hate standing still, doing nothing. Luckily I am having a really cool job right now in which I am pretty happy. And it’s getting more fun plus I learn something new about fashion and styling almost every day I am at work.

One of my colleagues asked me a while ago, if my passion lies within styling or writing. Well I don’t know. I have no idea what I like better, I really like doing both things, maybe it’s a 50/50 situation. But my guess is that by doing and trying you will figure out what your dream job exactly is.

How can you say that being a famous writer is your dream job as long as you haven’t lived that dream. And with the human drive to want more every time, can you really get where you want to be? Can you have a dream job, or will you want more as soon as you have reached your goal?

Will we ever be satisfied?


  1. Willie April 20, 2015

    Snap je wel. Heb ik ook hoor, die onrust over wat ik met mijn carrièreleven aanmoet. Ik zou ook graag iets in de modebizz doen, maar ik heb dus ook niet echt ervaring daarmee naast mijn blog.. Geduldig zijn denk ik..?
    X Wilmke

    • Saranda Walgaard April 28, 2015

      Fijne reactie, dankjewel voor je bijdrage! Hier ook met name ervaring in mode dankzij mijn blog, ik heb wel gemerkt dat het enige deuren opent maar misschien naar mijn zin zijn dit niet de juiste deuren nog?

      En terwijl je al die dingen door je blog jezelf aanleert, wat eigenlijk heel knap is. Misschien wordt dit ook teveel onderschat?


  2. Kim Buining April 21, 2015

    Oh lastig inderdaad! Ik merkte ook dat mijn passie ook een totaal andere kant op is gegaan. Mijn studie heb ik afgemaakt en ik heb zelfs enkele jaren in de zorg gewerkt maar ik merk nu dat de online wereld mij meer trekt.

    Wees niet bang dat je nu al moet kiezen. Doe wat goed voelt en dan kom je er vanzelf terecht.

    Kim /

    • Saranda Walgaard April 28, 2015

      Lieve reactie, dankjewel! Ik vind gewoon zo veel dingen leuk maar dat veranderd soms ook weer, ik vind social media super leuk en het lijkt me best tof om er wat mee te doen voor mijn carriëre maar alleen maar instagrammen elke dag vind ik ook weer niets haha…



  3. Het is zo lastig om iets te bepalen voor de rest van je leven. Ik heb van alles gedaan maar wil ook altijd weer iets anders na een paar jaar..

    • Saranda Walgaard April 28, 2015

      Heel lastig inderdaad, ik kan het ook gewoon niet… Daarvoor vind ik misschien ook teveel dingen leuk maar lijkt veel me ook weer niet leuk genoeg om er mijn beroep van te maken…


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