Blog inspiration tag: What makes me inspired to blog?

blog inspiratie tag sarandaadriana fashion blogger dutch amsterdam

Ciao dearies,

Oh it’s been a while unfortunately because I had the flu and was really busy getting a job. Well I am slowly recovering from the flu (still sniffing a bit hehe) and I found THE job!! YES!

I am so happy to be able to tell you that I have finally found a job again. I already started and have worked three days in a row from Saturday on. So I am quiet the busy bee again. Having a job in the fashion industry (I’ll tell you more about the job later on in a personal diary) gives me more structure but it also gives me great inspiration to write new articles! And I am really fortunate to work with amazing products from phenomenal designers!

Okay more about that later… Today / Tonight it’s all about inspiration! What makes me inspired to blog?! Well I am going to tell you all about it in this TAG which is originally from the Dutch blog ‘’. For the Dutch TAG, check out this link! 

Curious to read more about my blog inspiration?


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Loads of inspiration or do you sometimes have to cope with a writers- / bloggersblock?

It really depends on my mood and situation. When I was jobless I kind of was feeling down and stressed a lot and this ruins my flow of inspiration and it also messes with my writing ‘talent’. But now that I have found a job again I notice that this relieve and feeling of security makes me more relaxed which also makes me more inspired. So the flow of inspiration is getting back and this makes me more eager and willing to share this inspiration with you as well!

If the words don’t seem to come out easy, how does that make you feel?

Maybe you can already figure that out by reading my answer from the first question but it kind of makes me feel frustrated. I love blogging and I want to do it as much as possible, but sometimes it just doesn’t seem to work due to stress or something. I think it’s a pity that my blog is the first thing that suffers from me being stressed out…

How do you stay focused during writing and editing your blog post?

Just keep typing, writing everything down that comes to mind and afterwards cleaning up and perfecting the blogpost. I get distracted easily with most things I do but when I am writing a blogpost I need to get into this sort of flow and than I can keep writing and stay focused on the thing I am doing for a pretty long period of time. As a precaution I always try to make sure my desk is cleaned out before I start writing.


Which brainstorm technic makes sure you get enough blog inspiration? 

For me this is reading other blogs that are fashion, lifestyle or blogging business related and fashion magazines. It gives me plenty ideas to start new blog series for example!

Does music also help if you are looking for blog inspiration?

Definitely a yes! I can not live without music, sounds a bit dramatic but it’s true. I think music one of the key ingredients for inspiration.

Where do the best creative ideas come to life?

In the most weird places haha, the toilet, under the shower, in your dreams, while biking to work, to me inspiration and ideas can come at any moment no matter where I am or what I am doing at that moment. Unfortunately I do not always have a pen and piece of paper near me so I bet I already forgot some of the ‘brilliant’ ideas I have had.

In which inspiring environment do you like to work?

I would really love to be able to work outdoors or at a cafe or something together with other bloggers. This would seem like a perfect way to work as you can get inspiration from nature or the things that happen around you. And working together with other bloggers can get your creative juices flowing in no time if you ask me! I always love meeting other bloggers and when meeting fellow bloggers I tend to have great ideas for collabs, how we can help each other grow and much more.

rain_water_inspiring-otherDo you have a ‘Blog Bible’ on your desk for when you happen to run out of ideas?

Nope, and to be honest I do not really have a need for such a guide either. I tend to always just look everything up online…

Which bloggers inspire you?

This is not so difficult! Number one for sure is Dagmar from byDagmarValerie her positivity is amazing and she really helped me (not only by her blog but also by personal contact) with staying positive! Other bloggers that inspire me are my blogger babes (which is a pretty big group of amazing blogger girls and it would make a very long list if I am going to mention all of them haha) and big bloggers like Chiara Ferragni (business wise) and Amy Song (Song of Style), Rumi Neely (Fashiontoast), Linda Tol and many more (style wise).

How about other special sources of inspiration?

Very cliché but my boyfriend has been a huge support from the start of my blog and he inspires me every day to make sure I am the best version of myself I can ever be. The same goes for every single person in my family who also help me reach the things I want to achieve and helped me to find my way in live. And of course all my loving friends whom sometimes come up with great new ideas for this blog! <3

Who are you going to nominate?

I am going to nominate YOU! Tell me about YOUR blog inspiration and share your link to this TAG so I can check out your version of this questionnaire! 🙂

Good luck!


  1. […] tag made by BlogQueen. Thank you for translating my originally Dutch tag in English Saranda! These are the questions and rules of the […]

  2. […] van Sarandipity vertaalde de tag naar het Engels: “As a precaution I always try to make sure my desk is […]


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