Personal: Project Positive tag

Positive_Thinking smile happiness project positief positive

Ciao dearies,

On Monday I try to always post something personal or something body, mind & soul related. This week I am sharing the Project Positive tag, a tag, started in Dutch (this might be the first Englisch version haha) by one of my best blogger friends Dagmar. Dagmar is a try positive spirit, she is a warm person who always shares her sunlight, warmth and reassurance when I am down. Well, she’s just someone I really look up to!

Being more positive is really something that I need in my life as I have noticed lately that with a positive attitude I tend to be less stressed out and can enjoy life a little better!

So here is my version of the Project Positive tag. Full of positive things, things that make me smile and more! Hopefully you will get inspired with some positivity as well!

Enjoy and click on the read more button for the full tag and my answers 🙂

Baci / kisses,

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smile happiness project positief positive

Photo from by DagmarValerie – click on the photo to view her original tag in Dutch

♧ What is your favorite quote and why?
I love quotes, who doesn’t?! So to pick only one is pretty hard for me. But I think there is one that always comes back to me… It’s from Andy Warhol and it says: “They say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” This quote always reminds me of the fact that only you, yourself, can change things within your life. You are in control of your own happiness.

♧ What or which dream would you want to achieve in your life? – Yes you can!
Well I have a lot of dreams, and sometimes I doubt whether I have one really big dream? For now I think there are a couple things that I want to achieve. One of them is to be able to make a business out of my blog and inspire you, my readers with my knowledge on fashion and psychology. That’s why I hope to soon start with coaching and styling sessions so you can look good and feel good about yourself! But more about this later hihi. Another dream of mine is to be a fashion editor for the Italian VOGUE… Dream big, right?! So I already started learning Italian a bit!

♧ What does happiness mean to you?
Happiness to me is a way of life. It is not something you should want to achieve, but it is something that you should carry with you all the time of your life. Maybe a bit like a teddy bear that you have from the moment you are born. It makes you feel safe and warm, you can cuddle with it, it gives you a certain amount of comfort. And the fact that you know it will always be there waiting for you on your pillow sooth’s your thoughts of stress and loneliness. I think that having happiness in your life comes pretty close to this.

♧ Who can always make you laugh and smile?
My boyfriend, family and good friends. But my boyfriend is the best at making me laugh haha. Even when I am sad he can lighten up my day and make me smile through my tears, maybe just for a second, but he can make that wonderful second of happiness happen. Everyday, every moment, even when he is acting all weird and I am thinking what the hell is he doing haha 😉

♧ You can always wake me up for ….
Please just let me sleep haha 😉 Uhm well you can always wake me up for a very good book or movie. And besides this you can also wake me up for a vacation to the sun! I love sunshine and exploring new countries. It really relaxes my mind and my body.

♧ The reason of my last laughter:
My last big laughter was the day before yesterday. I was meeting up with one of my girlfriends whom I met in Firenze during my two weeks of studying Italian. We had so much fun in Amsterdam. Her friend already got a tattoo and she and the other girl she was with got a piercing. While standing there a guy came into the tattoo shop looking, well 90% the same as one of the guys we met in Firenze. Both of us were staring at this guy because it was sort of freaking us out haha. Than I decide to ask the guy from Florence that we spotted his younger brother in Amsterdam and he plain funny replied; haha yeah that’s him, you can ask him. Well I think you should have been there to get the whole story, but damn, we had a blast in Amsterdam together!

♧ Which achievement are you super proud of?
I am super proud of the fact that I am now experiencing how it is to be in control of your own happiness. After looking for a job for a long while, I finally found one in September (yay) but now I lost it again (mehh) but I am not letting this drag me down. Not this time, not anymore! I feel that everything is going to be alright and I am staying positive. Figuring out my next move, thinking about how I can turn this situation for the better. Maybe, just maybe, this was meant to happen and it gives me new opportunities to make my dreams come true! Who know’s what is in store for me? I’ll just have to find out 🙂

Besides this is am really proud on myself for graduating and how far I have already come with this blog.

♧ Which message would you like to spread to everyone around you?
Take every chance you get to make things better for yourself. Don’t hesitate, don’t doubt yourself, just do it! If you fail, you will learn and you can give it another, better shot! And of course, just be yourself, you are unique and you have unique qualities. Show people around you these qualities, use them, make them grow. Only you can make your own happiness!



  1. Sandrina Walgaard November 24, 2014

    Ik ben trots op je!

  2. Alexandra November 24, 2014

    Heel mooi ingevuld! <3


  3. Dagmar Valerie November 25, 2014

    Wauw zo prachtig om te lezen <3 En wat ontzettend bijzonder om je antwoorden te zien, je raakt mij er echt mee. Je mag heel trots zijn op jezelf! Mega knuffel Xxx

  4. Alana and Kyra December 17, 2014

    Great post! I hope one day you make it to VOGUE Italia 😉 dream.believe.achieve.


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